
List of published papers
R. F. Chuproski, W. R. de Oliveira, B. C. E. S. Kurelo, D. G. Ditzel, P. Soares, F. C. Serbena, G. B. de Souza, Controlling plasma-based surface modifications of an austenitic alloy by thermochemical and athermal diffusions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2024), 173634.
F. Barchiki, L. Fracaro, A. C. Dominguez, A. C. Senegaglia, I. M. Vaz, P. Soares, S. A. B. de Moura, P. R. S. Brofman, Biocompatibility of ABS and PLA Polymers with Dental Pulp Stem Cells Enhance their Potential Biomedical Applications, Polymers (2023), 2719117.
C. B. G. Pereira, Q. He, P. Soares, M. S. Meruvia, G. B. de Souza, F. L. Amorim, J. M. de Paiva, S. C. Veldhuis, R. D. Torres, Tribological characterization of PVD TiSiN/AlCrN coating: A comprehensive study on thermal effect, Materials Characterization (2023) 203, 113135.
A. V. Savargaonkar, A. H. Munshi, P. Soares, K. C. Popat, Antifouling behavior of copper-modified titania nanotube surfaces, Journal of Functional Biomaterials. (2023) 14, 413.
V. Torno, P. Soares, Tribological behavior and wear mechanisms of dental resin composites with different polymeric matrices, Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials (2023) 144, 105962.
A. Bhattacharjee, E. Goodall, B. L. Pereira, P. Soares, K. C. Popat, Zinc (Zn) doping by hydrothermal and alkaline heat-treatment methods on titania nanotube arrays for enhanced antibacterial activity, Nanomaterials (2023) 13, 1606.
R. Davis, A. Singh, K. Debnath, A.K. Keshri, P. Soares, L. Sopchenski, H.A. Terryn, V. Prakash, Surface modification of biodegradable Mg alloy by adapting µEDM capabilities with cryogenically-treated tool electrodes, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023), 126, 4617–36.
L. L. Silveira, A. G. M. Pukasiewicz, G. B. de Souza, P. Soares, I. D. F. S. Vidal, R. Abrahão Jr, R. D. Torres, Microstructure design of powder-pack borided AISI 4140 steel, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2023) 1-15.
R. Davis, A. Singh, R. B. D. Pereira, R. M. Sabino, K. Popat, P. Soares, L. C. Brandão, Collaborative impact of cryo-treated cutting tool and hybrid milling environment towards improved sustainable milling of ASTM F2063 Ni55.6Ti44.4 alloy, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2023), 1-25.
M. E. P. Missner, J. Stryhalski, M. Tomiyama, P. Soares, A. A. C. Recco, L. C. Fontana, Rutile TiO2 thin films growth on glass substrates with generation of high entropy interface, Journal of Materials Research and Technology (2023) 24, 963-970.
R. Davis, A. Singh, K. Debnath, P. Soares, S. H. Och, A. K. Keshri, L. Sopchenski, H. A. Terryn, Enhanced abrasive-mixed-µ-EDM performance towards improved surface characteristics of biodegradable Mg AZ31B alloy, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) 124(7-8), 2685-2700.
F. Marin, A. F. de Souza, A. Mikowski, L. H. G. Fontanella, P. Soares, L. N. L. de Lacalle, Energy density effect on the interface zone in parts manufactured by laser powder bed fusion on machined bases. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (2023) 10, 905–923.
R. Davis, A. Singh, K. Debnath, P. Soares, S. H. Och, A. K. Keshri, L. Sopchenski, H. A. Terryn, Enhanced abrasive‑mixed‑µ‑EDM performance towards improved surface characteristics of biodegradable Mg AZ31B alloy, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023) 124: 2685–2700.
F. Marin, A. F. de Souza, A. Mikowski, L. H. G. Fontanella, P. Soares, L. N. L. de Lacalle, Energy Density Effect on the Interface Zone in Parts Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion on Machined Bases, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022)
T. L. Gontarski, A. P. Leal, R. M. Casali, S. E. Braun, P. Soares, A. L. C. Fujarra, A. Mikowski, Weightings on the propagation of errors in the Vickers hardness parameters, Brazilian Journal of Physics (2022) 52(4): 107.
R. Davis, A. Singh, K. Debnath, R. M. Sabino, K. Popat, P. Soares, A. K. Keshri, B. Borgohain, Enhanced micro-electric discharge machining-induced surface modification on biomedical Ti-6Al-4V alloy. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (2022) 144(7): 071002.
R. Davis, A. Singh, R. M. Sabino, R. B. D. Pereira, K. Popat, P. Soares, M. J. Jackson, Performance investigation of cryo-treated end mill on the mechanical and in vitro behavior of hybrid-lubri-coolant-milled Ti-6Al-4V alloy, Journal of Manufacturing Processes (2021) 71: 472-488.
A. Freire, B. P. Nyland, C. P. Pereira, P. Soares, D. S. L. Weiss, W. L. Mikos, J. A. Brancher, S. Vieira, Enamel erosion control by strontium-containing TiO2- and/or MgO-doped phosphate bioactive glass, Clinical Oral Investigations (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00784-021-04168.
R. Davis, A. Singh, K. Debnath, R.M. Sabino, K. Popat, L.R.R. da Silva, P. Soares, A. R. Machado, Surface Modification of Medical-Grade Ni55.6Ti44.4 alloy via enhanced machining characteristics of Zn Powder Mixed-μ-EDM, Surface and Coatings Technology (2021) 425: 127725.
R.B. Pessoa, C.A.H. Laurindo, M. Meruvia, R.D. Torres, A. Mikowski, M.E. Soares, P. Soares, Influence of Al2O3 particles amount on the mechanical, tribological, and corrosion properties of composite NiP-Al2O3 coated AISI 4140 steel. ASME Journal of Tribology (2021) 143: 111702.
R. Davis, A. Singh, K. Debnath, M. J. Jackson, P. Soares, F. L. Amorim, H. Dutta. Effect of powder particle concentration and tool electrode material amid Zinc powder-mixed μEDM of biocompatible Mg alloy AZ91D. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2021) 30: 5704-18.
E. R. Camargo, B. M. Serafim, A. F. da Cruz, P. Soares, C. C. de Oliveira, C. K. Saul, C. E. B. Marino, Bioactive response of PMMA coating obtained by electrospinning on ISO5832-9 and Ti6Al4V biomaterials, Surface and Coatings Technology (2021) 412: 127033.
B. L. Pereira, C. M. Lepienski, V. Seba, G. Hobold, P. Soares, B. S. Chee, P. A. B. Kuroda, E. S. Szameitat, L. L. Santos, C. R. Grandini, M. Nugent. Titanium-Niobium (Ti-xNb) alloys with high Nb amounts for applications in biomaterials, Materials Research (2020) 23: e20200405.
M. F. Dias-Netipanyj, L. Sopchenski, T. Gradowski, S. Elifio-Esposito, K. C. Popat, P. Soares, Crystallinity of TiO2 nanotubes and its effects on fibroblast viability, adhesion, and proliferation, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (2020) 31:94.
I. C. J. Dechandt, P. Soares, M. J. Pascual, F. C. Serbena, Sinterability and mechanical properties of glass-ceramics in the system SiO2-Al2O3-MgO/ZnO, Journal of the European Ceramic Society (2020) 40: 6002-13.
K. S. Correia, L. G. Greca, L. Sopchenski, P. Soares, F. L. Amorim, R. D. Torres, Alloy steel bolts with electroless Ni-P coating: An investigation of two thermal routes, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2020) 29: 6025–6032.
A. C. A. Fontes, L. Sopchenski, C. A. H. Laurindo, R. D. Torres, K. Popat, P. Soares, Annealing temperature effect on tribocorrosion and biocompatibility properties of TiO2 nanotubes, Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2020) 6:64.
T. Kasiorowski, J. Lin, P. Soares, C.M. Lepienski, C.A. Neitzke, G. B. Souza, R. Torres, Microstructural and tribological characterization of DLC coatings deposited by plasma-enhanced techniques on steel substrates, Surface and Coatings Technology (2020) 389: 125615.
P. Luchtenberg, P. T. Campos, P. Soares, C. A. H. Laurindo, O. Maranho, R. D. Torres, Effect of welding energy on the corrosion and tribological properties of duplex stainless steel weld overlay deposited by GMAW/CMT process, Surface and Coatings Technology (2019) 375: 688-93.
M. F. Dias-Netipanyj, K. Cowden, L. Sopchenski, S. C. Cogo, S. Elifio-Esposito, K. C. Popat, P. Soares, Effect of crystalline phases of titania nanotube arrays on adipose derived stem cell adhesion and proliferation, Materials Science and Engineering: C (2019), 103: 109850.
C. A. H. Laurindo, B. M. Freitas, L. C. M. Bemben, P. C. Soares Jr, R. D. Torres, F. L. Amorim, Tribocorrosion properties of Ti6Al4V after sinking ED machining with glycerin water solution and hydrocarbon dielectric fluids, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2019) 103 (9-12): 4755–62.
S. Buchner, F. R. Kulbieda, V. M. Fokin, P. Soares, A. D. Machado, J. W. P. Schmelzer, N. M. Balzaretti, Thermal stability of lithium metasilicate produced under high pressure from lithium disilicate glass, International Journal of Applied Glass Science (2019), 10 (4): 522-531.
C.A.O. Luzia, C.A.H. Laurindo, P.C. Soares, R. D. Torres, L. Mendes, F. L. Amorim, Recast layer mechanical properties of tool steel after electrical discharge machining with silicon powder in the dielectric, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2019), 103 (1-4): 15-28.
P. Soares, M.F. Dias-Netipanyj, S. Elifio-Esposito, V. Leszczak, K.C. Popat, Effects of calcium and phosphorous incorporation on the properties and bioactivity of TiO2 nanotubes, Journal of Biomaterials Applications (2018) 33 (3), 410-421.
L. Sopchenski, S. Cogo, M.F. Dias-Ntipanyj, S.E. Espósito, K.C. Popat, P. Soares, Bioactive and antibacterial boron doped TiO2 coating obtained by PEO, Applied Surface Science (2018) 458: 49-58.
L. Sopchenski, K. Popat, P. Soares, Bactericidal activity and cytotoxicity of a zinc doped PEO titanium coating, Thin Solid Films (2018) 660: 477-483.
L. S. Santos, D. Francisco, E. Leite, S. Cogo, M. Dias-Netipanyj, S. Pinto, S. Espósito, K. Popat, P. Soares, Bioactivity and antibacterial effects of Ag-Ca-P doped PEO titania coatings, Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2018) 6: 6-14.
A Hatem, J Lin, R Wei, RD Torres, C Laurindo, GB de Souza, P. Soares, Tribocorrosion behavior of low friction TiSiCN nanocomposite coatings deposited on titanium alloy for biomedical applications, Surface & Coatings Technology (2018) 347: 1-12.
C. A. H. Laurindo, C. M. Lepienski, F. L. Amorim, R. D. Torres, P. Soares, Mechanical and tribological properties of Ca/P doped titanium dioxide layer produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation: Effects of applied voltage and heat treatment. Tribology Transactions (2018) 61(4): 733-741.
S.E. Braun, A. Mikowski, A.N. Comin, L.A. Thesing, P. Soares, C.M. Lepienski, Influence of crystallization on hardness, elastic modulus and fracture toughness in lithium disilicate Li2O.2SiO2 glass-ceramics, Cerâmica (2018) 64: 301-310.
A. Hatem, J. Lin, R. Wei, R.D. Torres, C. Laurindo, P. Soares, Tribocorrosion behavior of DLC-coated Ti-6Al-4V alloy deposited by PIID and PEMS + PIID techniques for biomedical applications. Surface and Coatings Technology, (2017) 332: 223-232.
L.J.E. Isaka, A.M.R.B. do Prado, J.A. Villanova Junior, C.T. Pimpão, P. C. Soares Jr, Ex vivo biomechanical analysis of two methods of osteosynthesis in canine mandibular fractures, Semina: Ciências Agrárias (2017) 38(3): 1925-1932.
P. Pulyala, A. Singh, M. F. Dias-Netipanyj, S. C. Cogo, L. S. Santos, P. Soares, V. Gopal, V. Suganthan, G. Manivasagam. In-vitro cell adhesion and proliferation of adipose derived stem cell on hydroxyapatite composite surfaces. Materials Science and Engineering C (2017) 75: 1305-1316.
M.E. Soares, P. Soares, P.R. Souza, R.M. Souza, R.D. Torres. The effect of nitriding on adhesion and mechanical properties of electroless Ni-P coating on AISI 4140 Steel. Surface Engineering (2017) 33(2): 116-121.
J.M.F. Paiva Jr, F.L. Amorim, P. C. Soares Jr, S.C. Veldhuis, L.A. Mendes, R.D. Torres, Tribological behavior of superduplex stainless steel against PVD hard coatings on cemented carbide, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2017) 90: 1649-58.
A.L. Molinetti, F.L. Amorim, P. Soares, T. Czelusniak. Surface modification of AISI H13 tool steel with silicon and manganese mixed to the dielectric in electrical discharge machining process, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing (2016) 83: 1057-68.
C.A.H. Laurindo, L.C.M. Bemben, R.D. Torres, P. Soares. Influence of the annealing treatment in the tribocorrosion properties of pure titanium treated by plasma electrolytic oxidation for biomedical applications. Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials (2016) 31(12):1-7.
J. Snorkin, S. Hughes, P. Soares, K. Popat. Titania nanotube arrays as interfaces for neural prostheses. Materials Science and Engineering C (2015) 49: 735-45.
A.P. Bonilauri Ferreira, P.C. Soares Jr, E.M. Souza, R.N. Rached, S.H. Pezzin, S. Vieira, Wavelength of experimental LEDs: hardness, elastic Modulus, degree of conversion and temperature rise of a microhybrid composite, Materials Research (2015) 18: 240-244.
D.S.L. Weiss, R.D. Torres, S. Buchner, S. Blunk, P. Soares. Effect of Ti and Mg dopants on the mechanical properties, solubility, and bioactivity in vitro of a Sr-containing phosphate based glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2014) 386: 34-38.
C.A.H. Laurindo, R.D. Torres, S. Mali, J.L. Gilbert, P. Soares. Incorporation of Ca and P on anodized titanium surface: Effect of high current density. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems (2014) 37: 223-31.
F.L. Amorim, L.J. Stedile, R.D. Torres, P.C. Soares, C.A.H. Laurindo. Performance and surface integrity of Ti6Al4V after sinking EDM with special graphite electrodes. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2014) 23: 1480-88.
S. Buchner, V.O. Soares, P. Soares, C.M. Lepienski, E.D. Zanotto. Comparison of the mechanical and tribological properties of a sintered low expansion Li2O–Al2O3–SiO2 glass-ceramic and a commercial cooktop plate. European Journal of Glass Science and Technology. Part A, Glass Technology (2013) 54: 211-17.
E.M. Szesz, B.L. Pereira, N.K. Kuromoto, C.E.B. Marino, G.B. de Souza, P. Soares. Electrochemical and morphological analyses on the titanium surface modified by shot blasting and anodic oxidation processes. Thin Solid Films (2013) 528: 163-66.
J.M.F. Paiva, F.L. Amorim, P. Soares, R.D. Torres. Evaluation of hard coating performance in drilling compacted graphite iron (CGI). Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2013) 22: 3155-60.
V.O. Soares, P. Soares, O. Peitl, E.D. Zanotto, A. Durán, Y. Castro. Resistencia al desgaste de recubrimientos sol-gel de SiO2 y SiO2- ZrO2 sobre materiales vitrocerámicos obtenidos por sinterización. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2013) 52: 225-30.
P. Soares, C.A.H. Laurindo, R.D. Torres, N.K. Kuromoto, O. Peitl, E.D. Zanotto. Effect of a bioactive glass-ceramic on the apatite nucleation on titanium surface modified by micro-arc oxidation. Surface & Coatings Technology (2012) 206: 4601-05.
L.R.P Archegas, D.B.M. Caldas, R.N. Rached, P. Soares, E.M. Souza. Effect of ceramic veneer opacity and exposure time on the polymerization efficiency of resin cements. Operative Dentistry (2012) 37: 281-89.
F.L. Amorim, L. Stedille, R.D. Torres, P.C. Soares Jr. Surface integrity of Ti6Al4V alloy machined by EDM using graphite electrodes. Maquinas e Metais (2012) 48: 90-107.
L.M. López, O. Salas, L. Melo-Máximo, J. Oseguera, C.M. Lepienski, P. Soares, R.D. Torres, R.M. Souza. Structural and mechanical analysis for the optimization of PVD oxide coatings for protection against metal dusting. Applied Surface Science (2012) 258: 7306-13.
P. Soares, M.D. Michél, A. Mikowski, C.E. Foerster, C.M. Lepienski, Aqueous corrosion of a commercial float glass studied by surface spectroscopies and nanoindentation. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses (2011) 52: 25-30.
S. Regis, P. Soares, E.S. Camargo, O. Guariza Filho, O. Tanaka, H. Maruo, Biodegradation of orthodontic metallic brackets and associated implications for friction. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (2011) 140: 501-09.
S. Buchner, C.M. Lepienski, P.C. Soares Jr, N.M. Balzaretti, Effect of high pressure on the mechanical properties of lithium disilicate glass ceramic. Materials Science & Engineering. A, Structural Materials: properties, microstructure and processing (2011) 528: 3921-24.
S. Buchner, A. Mikowski, C.M. Lepienski, E.B. Ferreira, E.D. Zanotto, R.D. Torres, P. Soares. Mechanical and tribological properties of a sintered glass-ceramic compared to granite and porcelainized stoneware. Wear (2011) 271: 875-80.
G.B. de Souza, C.M. Lepienski, C.E.Foerster, N.K. Kuromoto, P. Soares, H.A. Ponte. Nanomechanical and nanotribological properties of bioactive titanium surfaces prepared by alkali treatment. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2011) 4: 756-65.
G.B. de Souza, G.G. de Lima, N.K. Kuromoto, P. Soares, C.M. Lepienski, C.E. Foerster, A. Mikowski, Tribo-mechanical characterization of rough, porous and bioactive Ti anodic layers. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (2011) 4: 796-806.
J.M.H. Martin, J.B. Almeida, E.A.R. Rosa, P. Soares, V. Torno, R.N. Rached, R.F. Mazur. Effect of different fluoride therapies on the surface roughness of human enamel exposed to bleaching agents. Quintessence International (2010) 41: 71-78.
S. Buchner, P. Soares, A.S. Pereira, E.B. Ferreira, N.M. Balzaretti. Effect of high pressure in the Li2O-2SiO2 crystallization. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2010) 356: 3004-08.
L.E. Bertassoni, S. Habelitz, M. Pugach, P.C. Soares, S.J. Marshall, G.W. Marshall. Evaluation of surface structural and mechanical changes following remineralization of dentin. Scanning (2010) 32: 312-19.
R.D. Torres, P.C. Soares Jr., C. Schmitz, C.J.M. Siqueira. Influence of the nitriding and TiAlN/TiN coating thickness on the sliding wear behavior of duplex treated AISI H13 steel. Surface & Coatings Technology (2010) 205: 1381-85.
before 2010
G.B. de Souza, G.G. de Lima, N.K. Kuromoto, P. Soares, C.E. Marino, C.M. Lepienski. Elastic modulus and hardness of bioactive Ti obtained by anodic oxidation using Ca/P-based solutions. Key Engineering Materials (2009) 396-98: 323-26.
V. Torno, P. Soares, J.M.H. Martin, R.F. Mazur, E.M. Souza, S. Vieira. Effects of irradiance, wavelength, and thermal emission of different light curing units on the Knoop and Vickers hardness of a composite resin. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials (2008) 84B: 166-71.
A. Mikowski, P. Soares, F. Wypych, C.M. Lepienski. Fracture toughness, hardness, and elastic modulus of Kyanite investigated by a depth-sensing indentation technique. American Mineralogist (2008) 93: 844 - 52.
P. Soares, A. Mikowski, C.M. Lepienski, E. Santos Jr., G.A. Soares, V. Swinka, N.K. Kuromoto. Hardness and elastic modulus of TiO2 anodic films measured by instrumented indentation. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials (2008) 84B: 524-30.
M. Ueda, M.M. Silva, C.M. Lepienski, P.C. Soares, J.A.N. Gonçalves, H. Reuther. High temperature plasma immersion ion implantation of Ti6Al4V. Surface & Coatings Technology (2007) 201: 4953-56.
A. Mikowski, P. Soares, F. Wypych, J.E.F.C. Gardolinski, C.M. Lepienski. Mechanical properties of kaolinite 'macro-crystals'. Philosophical Magazine (2007) 87: 4445-59.
M.M. Silva, M. Ueda, C. Otani, C.M. Lepienski, P.C. Soares Jr., J. Otubo. Hybrid processing of Ti-6Al-4V using plasma immersion ion implantation combined with plasma nitriding. Materials Research (2006) 9: 97-100.
J.C. Szcancoski, C.E. Foerster, F.C. Serbena, T. Fitz, C.M. Lepienski, P.C. Soares Jr. Mechanical and tribological properties of carbon and nitrogen consecutive ion implantation into aluminum. Surface & Coatings Technology (2006) 1: 1488-94, 2006.
M. Ueda, A. Restrepo, R.M. Castro, H. Reuther, C.M. Lepienski, P.C. Soares Jr. Improvements of tribological properties of CrNiMo and CrCoMo alloys by nitrogen plasma immersion ion implantation. Surface & Coatings Technology (2005) 200: 594-97.
P.C. Soares Jr., C.M. Lepienski. Residual stress determination on lithium disilicate glass-ceramic by nanoindentation. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2004) 348: 139-43.
M. Ueda, G.F. Gomes, K.G. Kostov, H. Reuther, C.M. Lepienski, P.C. Soares Jr., O. Takai, M.M. Silva. Results from experiments on hybrid plasma immersion ion implantation/nitriding processing of materials. Brazilian Journal of Physics (2004) 34: 1632-37.
K.G. Kostov, M. Ueda, C.M. Lepienski, P.C. Soares Jr., G.F. Gomes, M.M. Silva, H. Reuther. Surface modification of metal alloys by plasma immersion ion implantation and subsequent plasma nitriding. Surface & Coatings Technology (2004) 186: 204-08.
M.M. Oliveira, P.C. Soares Jr., P.R. Bueno, E.R. Leite, E. Longo, J.A. Varela. Grain-boundary segregation and precipitates in La2O3 and Pr2O3 doped SnO2.CoO-based varistors. Journal of the European Ceramic Society (2003) 23: 1875-80.
M.O. Prado, A. Campos Jr., A.C.M. Rodrigues, P.C. Soares Jr., E.D. Zanotto. Liquid-liquid phase separation in alkali-borosilicate glass. An impedance spectroscopy study. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2003) 332: 166-72.
P.C. Soares Jr., E.D. Zanotto, V. Fokin, H. Jain, TEM and XRD study of early crystallization of lithium disilicate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2003) 331: 217-27.
O. Kanert, R. Küchler, P.C. Soares Jr., H. Jain. Nearly constant loss behavior of lithium disilicate during devitrification. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2002) 307-10: 1031-38.
E.R. Leite, J.W. Gomes, M.M. Oliveira, E.J.H. Lee, E. Longo, J.A. Varela, C.A. Paskocimas, T.M. Boschi, F. Lanciotti Jr., P.S. Pizani, P.C. Soares Jr. Synthesis of SnO2 nanoribbons by a carbothermal reduction process. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2002) 2: 125-28.
P.C. Soares Jr., P.A.P. Nascente, E.D. Zanotto. XPS study of lithium disilicate glass crystallization. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses (2002) 43: 143-46.
L.L. Burgner, M.C. Weinberg, P. Lucas, P.C. Soares Jr., E.D. Zanotto, On the persistence of metastable crystal phases in lithium disilicate glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2000) 274: 188-94.
L.L. Burgner, M.C. Weinberg, P. Lucas, P.C. Soares Jr., E.D. Zanotto. XRD Investigation of metastable phase formation in Li2O-SiO2 glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (1999) 255: 264-68.